Export Classification

Physical goods, software, and technology, as well as services performed by your organisation can all be subject to export controls but how do you determine when they apply?

Rather than leaving anything to chance, contact MJ Trade Advisory today to find out how this affects you, or to get support on any aspect of your classification needs.

What's Subject to Export Controls?

Export classification is the bedrock of having confidence in compliant exporting. Knowing whether your products and services are controlled for export is key and determining the export classification according to the relevant regulations is the starting point. 

In recent years the scope of export controls has become ever more complex and, apart from physical materials and products, you have to know what they mean for technical data, electronic transfers, storage in the cloud and the impact of cryptographic controls. 

It is surprising how often something that seems quite innocuous is actually subject to export controls.


The point of a deliberate, and systematic, export classification process is that you don’t leave these matters to chance. Evaluating, documenting and cataloguing classifications and the reasons (or rationale) behind them is a vital basis on which to conduct export operations in any business of any size. 

The rules don’t consider how big or small a company is and frequently it is small businesses that get caught out by rules that they have simply never heard of.

With experience in both military and dual-use export control lists from the UK, the EU, the USA and elsewhere, we can provide a classification service, or validate your own classifiers activity, in order to give you the peace of mind that you are complying with the law. 

Over and above that we can provide guidance and help you to establish process and systems appropriate to your business to handle classifications in the future.

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