How do you react when you think there may have been a non-compliant event in the course of your business?
It is not uncommon for a business to be concerned that something has gone wrong somewhere in relation to its own compliance standards.
Time is of the essence when you believe that a non-compliance has occurred so, should you have an issue that needs resolving, contact us now for an initial discussion and see how we can help you.
Independent Analysis
As a business leader the typical reaction is going to be an urgent call for answers. You need to get to the root of the issue and quickly.
Honest mistakes happen but at the same time you want to know that there isn’t anything more serious, or systemic.
The best response is an independent investigation and analysis so that the real facts can be ascertained without prejudice and the situation can also be assessed in the context of the broader picture.
Drawing on prior experience, we can explore the facts, analyse the process, assess the implications of what has or hasn’t been executed correctly and compliantly and draw up recommendations and conclusions.
Far better to conduct such an investigation of your own volition rather than have the authorities come in unexpectedly because something has escalated to the stage where it has caused a serious violation.
The outcomes of such investigations will vary widely depending on the prior status of your compliance programme and the nature of the incident. Sometimes it can be as simple as bolstering the training of personnel involved, alternatively there may be a need for some fundamental changes to your compliance programme.
Whatever the circumstances, the needs, or the outcome, we can provide the necessary resource and execute with absolute discretion in order to remedy the situation with the minimum of disruption to day-to-day operations.
Such investigations are always conducted in co-operation with your senior managers responsible and we would expect to liaise with them regularly throughout the process.
Other Areas Of Expertise
Export classification
Export classification is the bedrock of having confidence in compliant exporting
Are you looking for cost effective ways to keep your team up to date with the latest regulations
SanctionS & Embargoes
Sanctions and embargoes are currently in place against more than 30 countries around the world.
Risk assessments
Having a good export compliance programme will mean you have addressed all aspects of an export from start to finish
Due Diligence
Conducting effective due diligence and RPS requires making a judgement about what is most effective
Internal compliance
Based on our years of experience in industry working with such programmes, MJ Trade Advisory can review your existing set-up.