
Are you looking for cost effective ways to keep your team up to date with the latest regulations? 

Have you perhaps got new staff who need training but you are struggling to find the resources? 

Perhaps you’d like to train a trainer, or do you simply need training materials? 

We have the experience and knowledge to devise and deliver training for personnel involved in safeguarding your business through the sanctions and export compliance function.

Introducing training?

Basic training is highly recommended for most employees in a business but certainly those who have any involvement in the cycle of serving your customers and facilitating the movement of goods, data and/or services around the world. 

Considering that an export can occur simply through a phone call or an email, training should include Sales, Sourcing, Projects or Contracts staff, Despatch and/or Logistics staff, for a start. 

Engineers also need to have a sound understanding and, in most organisations, will have a part to play in supporting export classification. It is also useful to ensure, if you have them, that R&D engineers understand the implications of export controls as they may have it in their power to legitimately ‘design out’ applicable controls in some instances.


Compliance specialists, and some others, usually need to have a more in-depth understanding of sanctions and export compliance rules and regulations. 

Training is ideally tailored depending on their discipline so that they can really focus on what is going to be important in their particular roles allowing them, in time, to be a subject matter expert within their team.

You should also consider investing in training focussed on specific areas of managing your compliance programme. 

For example, the use and optimisation of your screening programme. Such niche areas can also be catered for, and we can discuss and develop the ideal scope and format of a training programme together.

Other Areas Of Expertise

Export classification

Export classification is the bedrock of having confidence in compliant exporting

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Impact of US export regulations

The United States implement international trade compliance regulations through several different government organisations.

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SanctionS & Embargoes

Sanctions and embargoes are currently in place against more than 30 countries around the world.

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Internal compliance 

Based on our years of experience in industry working with such programmes, MJ Trade Advisory can review your existing set-up.

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M&A due diligence

Sanctions and export compliance matters should not be overlooked when contemplating an acquisition of, or merger with, another business.

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Auditing is a fundamental part of maintaining a good compliance programme.

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